Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update - September 2007 | Page 23

with measures to supply adequate water for its citizens . A million-gallon overhead water storage tank was constructed on a three-acre site in southeast Arlington at the south end of Wynn Terrace . In May 1956 , city officials entered into a contract with Fort Worth to receive water from the Handley area with the connection being completed in July just as another hot , dry summer forced water conservation measures . The lake ’ s dam was completed in early 1957 and heavy spring rains gave Lake Arlington a 3-year supply , thus earning it the title of the “ miracle lake .” In August , tieins to the lake were completed but the city remained dependent on lake water , well water and water from Fort Worth until the fall of 1958 when all of Arlington was receiving lake water with a small exception of residents near the GM plant . 36
In May 1957 , the lake and its immediate surrounding were annexed into the city and the land was zoned residential and commercial . The lake ’ s completion allowed for the development of recreational facilities . In June 1959 , Lake Arlington Beach opened to the public complete with free parking , a snack bar at the east end and a grocery store at the west end , a free boat landing , boat rentals , and a bath house . The beach was operated by Gene Hames Enterprises of Fort Worth . According to its manager , Al Fielding , the beach was the largest man-made inland beach in Texas . In 1960 , the Boswell and Williams Recreation Area opened at the lake containing picnic areas , a beach , swimming pool , camping area , boat launch and other facilities . A dry land marina also opened near the lake that year . 37
Throughout the 1950s , the City of Arlington began to provide more public services to its citizens as the population grew . In 1953 , Mr . and Mrs . H . W . Cooper gave the J . D . Cooper House to the City for the community ’ s use . Originally located at 610 W . Abram , the city had the 2-story Colonial Revival house moved to 211 Willis at the entrance to Meadowbrook Park where it served as a public library from 1954 to 1962 . In 1953 , land was acquired in northwest Arlington for Randol Mill Park , the city ’ s second major park after Meadowbrook Park . But a 1954 bond proposal for $ 520,000 for city parks failed by a vote of 1,181 for to 1,179 against . That same year , the city entered into a lease agreement with D . W . Finlan of Odessa to use a 300 ’ x 100 ’ tract of land as a playground for the city ’ s black community . The park , on the north side of West Sanford Street , came to fruition as the result of the efforts of the Council of Church Women under the leadership of Mrs . John Shell . Developers such as M . C . Andrews deeded small tracts of land within their developments for use as neighborhood parks . Andrews ’ property was at the northeast corner of Park Row and New York Avenue , the current site of Burl L . Wilkes Park . The city also developed a few parks in conjunction with the Arlington ISD by combining parkland with school playgrounds . By 1960 , there were twelve parks totaling 360 acres . In August of that same year , the City hired famed golf course architect Ralph Plummer to design a new 18-hole municipal golf course . A site between Lake Arlington and Spur 303 was approved in September . Lake Arlington Golf Course at 1516 W . Green Oaks Boulevard opened in 1963 . 38
Other governmental services expanded during the decade . In 1950 , Arlington was served by a volunteer fire department but the city ’ s growth eventually led to a paid staff . To accommodate the
36 Arlington Journal , June 20 , 1952 , July 16 , 1954 , January 6 , 1955 , April 28 , 1955 , March 15 , 1956 , May 17 , 1956 , July 16 , 1956 , December 24 , 1956 , April 25 , 1957 , August 15 , 1957 , October 30 , 1958 . 37 Ibid ., May 9 , 1957 , June 4 , 1959 , April 14 , 1960 , November 10 , 1960 . 38 Dallas Morning News , January 20 , 1963 , Vertical File “ Arlington , Texas 1960-69 ,” FWPL ; Saxe ,
Politics of Arlington , 28 ; Arlington Journal , July 9 , 1954 , September 3 , 1954 , September 16 , 1954 , July 7 , 1955 ; 1960 R . L . Polk City Directory for Arlington , Texas ; Arlington Journal , August 16 , 1960 , September 22 , 1960 ; “ Lake Arlington Golf ,” http :// thegolfcourses . net / golfcourses / TX / 37695 . htm ( accessed August 8 , 2006 ).