Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update - September 2007 | Page 20

shown . The index dated 1944 included the Mexican Methodist Church but it could not be located on the updated version of the map . This notation is one of the few references to this ethnic community during this time period . Churches that had been established more recently , such as St . William ’ s Catholic Church ( 1941 ) were located on the outskirts of the mapped area . 29
As the 1950s progressed , numerous new churches were formed and established churches expanded their physical plants or relocated to more suburban areas to be closer to the residential base of the city . First Baptist and First Methodist churches had several building campaigns during the decade but remained near the CBD . First Christian Church moved to a seven-acre site on South Collins in 1957 . In 1960 , its former building was demolished for the new First National Bank . First Presbyterian Church built a new sanctuary at 1200 S . Collins in 1956 . Its downtown church was demolished in late 1960 for Arlington ’ s new city hall , constructed in 1961 . St . William ’ s Catholic Church opened a new auditorium , parochial school , convent and rectory at 1200 S . Davis in 1954 and changed its name to St . Maria Goretti Catholic Church . Its old church building was moved to nearby Grapevine for use by an Episcopal congregation . Newly established churches that built in new residential areas included St . Albans Episcopal Church . Founded in 1947 , the congregation moved into a permanent home at 100 University Drive in 1951 . Continued growth resulted in the construction of a larger facility that was dedicated in 1960 on the same site . Founded in 1952 , Grace Lutheran constructed a church at 406 Summit Avenue in 1953 . But in 1959 , it purchased a 13 ½-acre site for a new facility at 200 W . Park Row Drive . Numerous smaller congregations such as Bethel Baptist Church ( 1954 ), East Randol Mill Road and West Side Missionary Baptist Church ( 1955 ), 1124 W . Division Street were built during the decade . By 1957 , it was estimated that Arlington had approximately 50 churches representing 24 denominations . The 1960 City Directory listed 61 churches . 30
New businesses added to Arlington ’ s physical transformation , both in established areas and on the periphery of the city . In 1955 , the J . C . Penney Company opened a store in a newly constructed building at 201-205 West Main Street , the former location of a 1 ½-story bungalow owned by Mary Purvis . Numerous houses were moved from Abram Street to make way for commercial development . As the 1959 City Plan was to note “ Considerable development of a commercial nature in ‘ shoestring ’ fashion has been experienced along each side of Abrams [ sic ] Street east and outward from the Central Business District . This represents a condition which is not highly desirable in that it has detracted from the full development potentialities of the Central Business District as a compact , self-contained , high-value district .” The same type of development had occurred along both side of Highway 80 as it stretched through the city . Many of the businesses along these two corridors were oriented to the growing automobile culture . These included automobile dealerships such as Butts Oldsmobile-Cadillac at 711 E . Division and Dick Jones Motor Company at Elm and Division , gas stations such as Kelly McKnight ’ s Magnolia Station at 121 W . Abram , motels such as the Arlington Motel at Overhill Drive and East Abram and drive-in establishments such as Gordon ’ s Drive-In Grocery and Market at 916 A . W . Division , a Dairy Queen at 210 E . Abram and the Chefette Drive-In at 301 E . Division . As with the Arlington Terrace Shopping Center mentioned previously , other suburban shopping centers opened in the city , particularly in east and south Arlington . One of the largest was the Park Row Plaza adjoining Eltroy Heights Addition at Park Row and New York . The $ 2 million
29 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map , Arlington , Texas , 1927 updated to April 1949 . 30 Arlington Journal , November 28 , 1957 and December 29 , 1960 ; September 13 , 1956 and October 6 ,
1960 ; November 25 , 1954 ; February 16 , 1951 , June 15 , 1951 and September 22 , 1960 ; October 2 , 1953 and May 7 , 1959 ; July 21 , 1955 ; March 14 , 1957 ; 1960 R . L . Polk City Directory for Arlington , Texas .