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FIN 571 Week 3 Individual Assignment Interpreting Financial Results
Resource : Financial Statements for the company assigned by your instructor in Week 2 .
Review the assigned company ' s financial statements from the past three years .
Calculate the financial ratios for the assigned company ' s financial statements , and then interpret those results against company historical data as well as industry benchmarks :
Compare the financial ratios with each of the preceding three ( 3 ) years ( e . g . 2014 with 2013 ; 2013 with 2012 ; and 2012 with 2011 ).
Compare the calculated financial ratios against the industry benchmarks for the industry of your assigned company .
Write a 500 to 750 word summary of your analysis . Show financial calculations where appropriate . Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment .
FIN 571 Week 3 Individual Assignment Interpreting Financial Results
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Resource : Financial Statements for the company assigned by your instructor in Week 2 .
Review the assigned company ' s financial statements from the past three years .
Calculate the financial ratios for the assigned company ' s financial statements , and then interpret those results against company historical data as well as industry benchmarks :
Compare the financial ratios with each of the preceding three ( 3 ) years ( e . g . 2014 with 2013 ; 2013 with 2012 ; and 2012 with 2011 ).
Compare the calculated financial ratios against the industry benchmarks for the industry of your assigned company .
Write a 500 to 750 word summary of your analysis . Show financial calculations where appropriate . Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment .