FIN 534 RANK Imagine Your Future / FIN 534 RANK Imagine Your Future / | Page 24
Suppose a carton of hockey pucks sell in Canada for 105
Canadian dollars, and 1 Canadian dollar equals 0.71 U.S. dollars. If
purchasing power parity (PPP) holds, what is the price of hockey pucks
in the United States?
Question 29
If it takes $0.71 U.S. dollars to purchase one Swiss franc, how
many Swiss francs can one U.S. dollar buy?
Question 30
Suppose that 1 British pound currently equals 1.62 U.S. dollars
and 1 U.S. dollar equals 1.62 Swiss francs. What is the cross exchange
rate between the pound and the franc?
FIN 534 Final Exam Part 2 Set 2
Question 1