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FIN 420 Week 5 Team Assignment Financial Planning in Action
Use the “ Figure It Out !” workhsheet in Ch . 10 of your textbook in the “ Estimating Your Life Insurance Requirements ” section to calculate your own life insurance needs . Obtain premium rates for $ 50,000 whole life , universal life , and term life policies . Compare the costs and provisions of these policies .
Read “ Case in Point – Life Insurance for the Young Married ” in Ch . 10 . Answer the following :
What type of policy would you suggest for Jeff and Ann ? Why ?
In your opinion , do Jeff and Ann need additional insurance ? Why or why not ?
· Read “ Case in Point – Planning for Retirement ” in Ch . 14 of your text . Answer the following questions :
In the past , many workers chose to stay with their employers until retirement . What was the major reason for employee ’ s loyalty ?
How did Maureen amass $ 1.4 million for retirement , while Therese could only accumulate $ 553,000 ?
Why do women need to start early to save for retirement ?
What expenses may increase or decrease during retirement ? ===================================================

FIN 420 Week 5 Team Assignment Financial Planning in Action

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