FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / fin402master. | Page 33

Terry about her decision and explained that she had found several stocks that she thought looked ―sort of interesting.‖ She described them as follows: • North Atlantic Swim Suit Company. This highly speculative stock pays no dividends. Although the earnings of NASS have been a bit erratic, Sara feels that its growth prospects have never been brighter—―what with more people than ever going to the beaches the way they are these days,‖ she says. • Town and Country Computer. This is a long-established computer firm that pays a modest dividend yield (of about 1.50%). It is considered a quality growth stock. From one of the stock reports she read, Sara understands that T&C offers excellent long-term growth and capital gains potential. • Southeastern Public Utility Company. This income stock pays a dividend yield of around 5%. Although it’s a solid company, it has limited growth prospects because of its location. • International Gold Mines, Inc. This stock has performed quite well in the past, especially when inflation has become a problem. Sara feels that if it can do so well in inflationary times, it will do even better in a strong economy. Unfortunately, the stock has experienced wide price swings in the past. It pays almost no dividends. Questions a. What do you think of the idea of Sara keeping ―substantial sums‖ of money in savings accounts? Would common stocks make better investments for her than savings accounts? Explain. b. What is your opinion of the four stocks Sara has described? Do you think they are suitable for her investment needs? Explain. c. What kind of common stock investment program would you recommend for Sara? What investment objectives do you think she should set for herself, and how can common stocks help her achieve her goals? ============================================== FIN 402 Week 3 Assignment Case Problem 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 9.2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT