FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / fin402master. | Page 24

Evaluate this return relative to its current income and capital gain components. d. Use the HPR calculated in question c to compute Jensen’s measure (Jensen’s alpha). Use that measure to analyze the performance of the Stalchecks’s portfolio on a risk-adjusted, market- adjusted basis. Comment on your finding. Is it reasonable to use Jensen’s measure to evaluate a four-investment portfolio? Why or why not? e. On the basis of your analysis in questions a, c, and d, what, if any, recommendations might you offer the Stalchecks relative to the revision of their portfolio? Explain your recommendations. ============================================== FIN 402 Week 2 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are different ratio categories? Which category is most important to bondholders? Why? Which category is most important to stockholders? Why? ============================================== FIN 402 Week 2 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are liquidity ratios? Why are they important? How may an investor use liquidity ratios when making investment decisions?