FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / fin402master. | Page 20

============================================== FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 5.2 Susan Lussier’s Inherited Portfolio Does It Meet Her Needs FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Case Problem 5.2 Susan Lussier’s Inherited Portfolio: Does It Meet Her Needs? Susan Lussier is 35 years old and employed as a tax accountant for a major oil and gas exploration company. She earns nearly $135,000 a year from her salary and from participation in the company’s drilling activities. An expert on oil and gas taxation, she is not worried about job security—she is content with her income and finds it adequate to allow her to buy and do whatever she wishes. Her current philosophy is to live each day to its fullest, not concerning herself with retirement, which is too far in the future to require her current attention. A month ago, Susan’s only surviving parent, her father, was killed in a sailing accident. He had retired in La Jolla, California, two years earlier and had spent most of his time sailing. Prior to retirement, he managed a children’s clothing manufacturing firm in South Carolina. Upon retirement he sold his stock in the firm and invested the proceeds in a security portfolio that provided him with supplemental retirement income of over $30,000 per year. In his will, he left his entire estate to Susan. The estate was structured in such a way that in addition to a few family heirlooms, Susan received a security portfolio having a market value of nearly $350,000 and about $10,000 in cash. Susan’s father’s portfolio contained 10 securities: 5 bonds, 2 common stocks, and 3 mutual funds. The following table lists the securities and their key characteristics. The common stocks were issued by large, mature, well-known firms that