FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / FIN 402 MASTER 1 Predictable World / fin402master. | Page 18

determine the preferred investment. Explain your findings. b. Recognizing that investment B is more risky than investment A, reassess the two alternatives, adding the 4% risk premium to the 4% discount rate for investment A and therefore applying a 8% discount rate to investment B. Compare your findings relative to acceptability and preference to those found for question a. c. From your findings in questions a and b, indicate whether the IRR for investment A is above or below 4% and whether that for investment B is above or below 8%. Explain. d. Use the present value technique to estimate the IRR on each investment. Compare your findings and contrast them with your response to question c. e. From the information given, which, if either, of the two investments would you recommend that Dave make? Explain your answer. f. Indicate to Dave how much money the extra $50 will have grown to by the end of 2026, assuming he makes no withdrawals from the savings account. ============================================== FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 4.1, 4.2, 2.1, 5.2, 13.1 (Part a,b,c,d) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 4.1 Coates’s Decision FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 4.2 The Risk-Return Tradeoff Molly O’Rourke’s Stock Purchase Decision FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 2.1 Traditional Versus Modern Portfolio Theory Who’s Right FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 5.2 Susan Lussier’s Inherited Portfolio Does It Meet Her Needs FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Case Problem 13.1 Assessing the Stalchecks’s Portfolio Performance (Part a,b,c,d)