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knowledge of investments extends to savings accounts, Series EE savings bonds, and a little bit about mutual funds, he approaches you for some investment advice. Questions a. In light of Mark’s long- term investment goals, do you think mutual funds are an appropriate investment vehicle for him? b. Do you think he should use his $15,000 savings to start a mutual fund investment program? c. What type of mutual fund investment program would you set up for the reverend? Include in your answer some discussion of the types of funds you would consider, the investment objectives you would set, and any investment services (e.g., withdrawal plans) you would seek. Would taxes be an important consideration in your investment advice? Explain. ============================================== FIN 402 Week 1 AssignmentCase Problem 2.1Dara’s Dilemma: What to Buy? FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Case Problem 2.1Dara’s Dilemma: What to Buy? Dara Simmons, a 40-year-old financial analyst and divorced mother of two teenage children, considers herself a savvy investor. She has increased her investment portfolio considerably over the past five years. Although she has been fairly conservative with her investments, she now feels more confident in her investment knowledge and would like to branch out into some new areas that could bring higher returns. She has between $20,000 and $25,000 to invest. Attracted to the hot market for technology stocks, Dara was interested in purchasing a tech IPO stock and identified, a company that makes sophisticated computer chips for wireless Internet connections, as a