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FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 12.1 Reverend Mark Thomas Ponders Mutual Funds For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com
a . Explain what role the Wall Street Journal and / or Barron ’ s might play in meeting Angel ’ s needs . What other general sources of economic and current event information would you recommend to Angel ? Explain . b . How might Angel be able to use the services of Standard & Poor ’ s Corporation , Mergent , and theValue Line Investment Survey to learn about the securities in the portfolio ? Indicate which , if any , of these services you would recommend , and why . c . Recommend some specific online investment information sources and tools to help Angel and Marie manage their investments . d . Explain to Angel the need to find a good stockbroker and the role the stockbroker could play in providing information and advice . Should he consider hiring a financial advisor to manage the portfolio ? e . Give Angel a summary prescription for obtaining information and advice that will help to ensure the preservation and growth of the family ’ s newfound wealth .

FIN 402 Week 1 Assignment Case Problem 12.1 Reverend Mark Thomas Ponders Mutual Funds For more course tutorials visit www . uophelp . com