FIN 370 Course Great Wisdom / FIN 370 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 18

Complete the following problem sets from Chapter 9 in Microsoft® Excel®: · 9-33 Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Complete the following problem sets from Chapter 7 in Microsoft® Excel®: · 7-21 Compute Bond Price Compute the price of a 3.8 percent coupon bond with 15 years left to maturity and a market interest rate of 6.8 percent. (Assume interest payments are semiannual.) Is this a discount or premium bond? · 7-27 Yield to Maturity A 5.65 percent coupon bond with 18 years left to maturity is offered for sale at $1,035.25. What yield to maturity is the bond offering? (Assume interest payments are semiannual.) Complete the following problem sets from Chapter 8 in Microsoft® Excel®: · 8-19 Value a Constant Growth Stock Financial analysts forecast Safeco Corp.’s (SAF) growth rate for the future to be 8 percent. Safeco’s recent dividend was $0.88. What is the value of Safeco stock when the required return is 12 percent? · 8-21 Expected Return Ecolap Inc. (ECL) recently paid a $0.46 dividend. The dividend is expected to grow at a 14.5 percent rate. At a current stock price of $44.12, what is the return shareholders are expecting?