Film International Issue 1, December 2013 | Page 3

k at Andrew's face and you cand in a deep way," observed Marc ilm. You’re able to relate to Peter e’s a teenager struggling to find his parents disappeared when he from the girl he likes, keeps himis fed up with the constant harully." mance in The Social Nework just emotional acting is. As Eduardo work he quietly absorbed passiveesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckermonstrated by some computer- ppearance, the actor used to be physique that definitely proves  to emulate, that Marc Webb  ble to use a stunt double in a  han the most death‐defying  excited for the sequel as I am eing a big part of my childhood rman was such a hero to me as 3 But then, I think, I am Spiderman. I ero. Everyone should become an isn’t all about fighting crime, getting the girl. It has a very emontioned before Andrew does was always that element in the s always that trickster element, e kid who’s been suppressed, rents, who’s been bullied, who’s s on a brave face, who’s got a been mistreated and hasn’t got ck, finally getting those powand says, “I needed Spidey in my life when I was a kid, and he gave me hope!” We love Spiderman because we’ve all imagined what we’d like to do with amazing powers to help us through day to day life, especially through dark times, and Peter Parker definitely deserves his shot at it. Onto the sequel, it’s promised more action, a more dangerous villain and an even sassier Peter which has got everyone buzzing. With our knowledge from the 2012 film, we’re positive it’s going to be just as huge, possibly bigger, with scenes that’ll get everyone on the edge of their seats. The film is named The Amazing Spiderman 2 for a reason, possibly showing why the Spiderman is so amazing once again, but now double as much. April 2014, here we come.