Film Financing and Funding Feb. 2016 | Page 14

is reached, such as the audience getting a perk. Note that projects often have multiple goals, while most meters can only track one (the highest). A popular source is TickerFactory. Sometimes if the Target is not met, all donations are returned to their donors. Prompter Someone who provides creativeness and proposals to a creator, usually during a call for prompts. Regular prompters in an ongoing project can build up considerable sway. Sponsor A person who pays for a specific item to be released. A sponsor covers the whole price; some projects allow for several cosponsors to split the price. (This is distinct from general patrons who may donate toward the project as a whole, rather than individual items) Swag The items that are used as perks or promotions as rewards for a project. These may include bookmarks of a book's cover, copy of the dvd or book and other merchandise related to the project. Tip Jar This is a method by which audiences can donate random amounts of money to a project that doesn't have set prices, or in addition to set prices for people who wish to support the project as a whole. 13