Fairbrother et al ( 2014 )
UK CHF patients Qualitative and healthcare study professionals . N = 23 18 CHF patients and 5 healthcare professionals . significant increase in their knowledge levels . Also , there was a significant increase in patients ’ selfcare skills in the telemonitoring group , but there were no changes in the usual care group . Telemonitoring had an influence on fluid restriction , weighing , medication adherence and physical activities . However , telemonitoring use did not influence smoking , alcohol consumption , appointments , and a salt restricted diet . The perception of Information , Patients found the CHF patients and support and telemonitoring healthcare reassurance , technology userfriendly . professionals on the compliance , and use of telemonitoring dependence , Patients stated that in the management changes and there was an of CHF . challenges , increase in their determining the knowledge of their criteria for patient condition by using applicability to the telemonitoring . telemonitoring , Patients were and unable to develop continuity of care . their self-care skills . They relied on healthcare professionals to manage their condition . Professionals stated that adding telemonitoring to their normal workload was too intense for them , and it was time consuming .
de Oliveira
HF patients . |
et al |
N = 36 |
( 2017 ) |
RCT The correlation Knowledge between knowledge self-care . and self-care . and There was a significant increase in patients ' knowledge in the intervention group . In the usual care group , there was an increase in patients ’ knowledge . In the intervention group , there was a