Fight For Charity Event Program Fight For Charity 2019 | Page 45
I’m Laura Dolphin and I’m an
implementation manager at
Why did you join Fight for Charity?
I am participating in Fight for Charity because I believe we become better people when we
challenge ourselves, and this event is for a good cause.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
My career is my biggest accomplishment. I’m proud of carving my own path. I love what I do and
feel extremely lucky to have found MasterSolve and to work with the absolute best people.
What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
There are a few things! I work in IT but I still go to the library. If you’re meeting me for the first time,
you might be surprised to learn that I’m an introvert. And I’m terrified of the sound of Styrofoam!
What is your history with boxing?
Does a boxing bag count? I used to do some boxing fit classes, but then a couple of months ago, I
started training for this event.
Once my fight is done, I’d like: Wine
Favourite TV show: Too many to choose from currently, but if we’re talking classics, then Friends
and Sex and the City are up there for the most re-watched.
Favourite movie: Dirty Dancing
Favourite sport: I’m an ex-dancer so I can nail a pirouette, but I’m terribly unco-ordinated when it
comes to organized sports. I love running and yoga.
Favourite quote: You only live once.
Favourite travel destination: I’m biased since I lived there for eight years, but the South Island of
New Zealand. And Fiji or the French Riviera!
Who would play you in a movie? If it’s based on which celebrity looks most like me, then probably
Avril Lavigne. If not, then Rachel McAdams. | 2019 Annual Fight for Charity | 45