Fight For Charity Event Program Fight For Charity 2019 | Page 43
I’m Colton Smith. I work for
Skip the Dishes.
Why did you join Fight for Charity?
I could not have a greater support system in place. I’m fortunate enough to be surrounded by
the most amazing family, friends, co-workers and even acquaintances that anyone can ask for.
Admittedly, one’s circumstances are not entirely of their own doing. Given the position I’m in, I
would be doing a disservice by not giving back to those in need. I also wanted to see if I could give
my father a heart attack.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
I’m proud to say I am a Red River graduate. I also once beer-bonged an entire bottle of wine.
What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
Growing up, I couldn’t pronounce the “R” sound and had a lisp.
What is your history with boxing?
I have watched two Floyd Mayweather fights on PPV.
Once my fight is done, I’d like:
To start spending time with people I love again on the weekends, instead of literally getting punched
in the face. I also think I’m going to start a blog.
Favourite TV show: Boston Legal
Favourite movie: Crazy Stupid Love
Favourite sport: Basketball
Favourite quote: “Lie, deny and act surprised.” – Bob Smith
Favourite travel destination: TBD – I’ve only explored North America at this point.
Who would play you in a movie? Ryan Reynolds | 2019 Annual Fight for Charity | 43