Fight For Charity Event Program Fight For Charity 2019 | Page 26

ANDI HIEBERT I’m Andi Hiebert and I work in administrative support for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries. Why did you join Fight for Charity? I love trying new things and doing charity work, and this is a perfect combination of the two. What is your biggest accomplishment? My biggest accomplishment would be my work. I do lots of extracurricular activities at my job, such as committees and volunteer work. I also love being a big sister to my three amazing younger siblings. What would people be most surprised to learn about you? I have four St. Bernards. Even though they are all extremely large dogs, they are my babies. What is your history with boxing? When I was younger, I played water polo and was a competitive swimmer. I definitely never thought I would be the type of person who was into boxing and would actually get into the ring with 1,000 people watching me fight. I’m really excited and looking forward to this new experience. Once my fight is done, I’d like: To say that I accomplished something I never imagined myself doing and had tonnes of fun doing it. Favourite TV show: Game of Thrones Favourite movie: Nightmare Before Christmas Favourite sport: Don’t have one. Favourite quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss Favourite travel destination: Anywhere in Asia. Who would play you in a movie? Scarlett Johansson 26 | 2019 Annual Fight for Charity |