Fight For Charity Event Program Fight For Charity 2019 | Page 18
I’m Haley Musick and I am a committee
support clerk with the city clerk’s
Why did you join Fight for Charity?
My cousin had told me about the event last year, but the fighters were already picked, so I patiently
waited for my chance to get in there this year.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment would have to be this! It’s been a lot of hard work and training, but it
has definitely been super rewarding. Seeing all the donations raised for Big Brothers Big Sisters
from all the fighters and myself, the sparring, how much I have improved since my first day at the
gym – it’s all pretty awesome.
What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
I have played the flute since I was eight years old and still keep it up.
What is your history with boxing?
I have no history at all with boxing. This is the first fight I’ve been in with a ref present.
Once my fight is done, I’d like:
To continue going to the classes at Pan Am to get my beach bod ready. Just kidding; I just need to
keep myself off the couch.
Favourite TV show: Six Feet Under
Favourite movie: Muriel’s Wedding
Favourite sport: Field hockey
Favourite quote: “We’re all born naked and the rest is drag.” – Rupaul Charles
Favourite travel destination: Thailand
Who would play you in a movie? Probably a man in drag.
18 | 2019 Annual Fight for Charity |