FIFTY FIFTY (50/50) May 2013 | Page 22

50 / 50 : what do you think about male nurses / midwives and would you want them to deliver your baby ?
Pa Kemo , third year media and communication student university of Worcester : I think male nurse / midwives like their female colleagues do a fantastic job in terms of helping and guiding patients when it comes to treatment and I will not have a qualm in them attending to my wife during child birth .
Pa Kemo
Mrs Adama Jawara Expectant Mum : I dont have any negative mind against them , I think the society should appreciate their efforts as health personnel as long as they know what they are doing , it doesn ’ t matter what their sexes are , the most important thing is for us to get treated , and as a Muslim woman and pregnant for that matter , I wouldn ’ t mind a male midwife to deliver my baby , as long as he gets the qualification .
Photography by : Habiba Khanam
Mbassy Customer Care Assistant : I would prefer a female to deliver my baby , not because I ’ m been gender bias but because I don ’ t want any man to see me naked except my husband .
Mrs Mbassy Manneh
Alice first year media and communication student , Birmingham City University : I ’ m not ashamed of my body and I would rather prefer a man that is trained and qualified than a woman to deliver my baby , I have no problem with that .
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