FIFTY FIFTY (50/50) May 2013 | Page 12


Recession continues and more and more women are becoming the breadwinners in the household . With this new trend Stay at Home Dads seems to be on the rise . Even according to the Office for National Statistics men now make up nearly 10 per cent of individuals who care for children while their partner goes out to work , but the phenomenon of Stay at Home Dads is not just caused by recession and the current work climate , some men choose to stay at home and look after their children for a variety of other reasons .
This year the rise of Stay at Home Dads continues , but despite this , Stay at Home Dads are still seen today as something of a taboo or something embarrassing . Some men today don ’ t wish to admit that they are a Stay at Home Dad . 50 / 50 asked you , how you felt about Stay at Home Dads and also spoke to a man who wasn ’ t afraid to admit and speak to us about being a Stay at Home Dad .
Hi Paul how are you today ? I ’ m good thanks
Why Its Great To Be A Man You don ' t have to shave below your neck
Photograph by : Habiba Khanam
So what made you become a Stay at Home Dad ?
Well I ’ ve had full custody of my son for seventeen years now , it was a responsibility I took on when he was two years old , his mother decided she couldn ’ t cope with the role of being a mother , I had two choices , either to put him in care or to take the responsibility on full time . So I redirected my life , took care of him from when he was two and it ’ s been a great success ever since , I ’ ve not looked back at all .
Wow seventeen years , so how many children in total do you have ?
I ’ ve got three children . One boy , two girls . Jordon is 19 , Kieara is 5 and Roshay is two years old
Now you often hear mothers say its hard work and it ’ s frustrating at times , because you ’ re at home all day without the communication of othe adults , how do you find it ?
Hmmm , yes and no . Obviously with the young ones it can be quite difficult , but Jordon is grown , so each year that goes by it does get easier .
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