Study your full degree with us
Thanks to our close links with partner universities , you can study for a complete degree right here on your doorstep .
This means you can keep all of your costs down , but also benefit from using university facilities like libraries , open days , and even some lectures , and you ’ ll get a fully accredited ordinary degree or honours degree awarded by the university at the end of your studies .
The following degree opportunities are currently available at Fife College :
In partnership with Abertay University : BA : Accounting with Finance BA ( Hons ): Accounting with Finance BA : Business Management BA ( Hons ): Business Management BA : Learning Difficulties / Disabilities
If you have successfully completed HND Social Sciences at Fife College you also have the option to study your third year on campus for the following Open University degree :
BA ( Hons ): Social Sciences
NB : This degree follows the English model and allows an Honours degree to be completed in three years , including your two years of HND .
We also offer degrees which are validated by Queen Margaret University :
BA : Creative Enterprise ( this degree allows progression from 11 different creative HNDs . Check out the website for more information )
BA ( Hons ): Creative Enterprise ( for those progressing from BA : Creative Enterprise ordinary degree )
BA : Childhood Practice ( for SSSC registered practitioners with at least two years ’ experience of working within an Early Learning and Childcare setting )
BA ( Hons ): Childhood Practice BA : Childhood Studies BA ( Hons ): Childhood Studies
Dedicated degree study space
We know that the environment that you learn and study in are important .
Our University Hub in Dunfermline has been designed specifically to help you to feel comfortable and focused in your studies . We also have dedicated areas for degree study within our Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes campuses .
Degree partnerships with 17 universities and colleges
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