Feeling competitive ? FCSA Sports is there for you ! You can join one of our teams and play in national competitions thanks to our membership with Scottish Student Sport .
You can try out for the following teams :
The FCSA Basketball Unicorns FCSA Men ’ s Football Club FCSA Women ’ s Football Club The FCSA Volleyballers
If you ’ re more of a lone competitor you can also represent the FCSA at Boccia , Badminton , Golf , and Athletics . And if you want to do another sport , let us know – we encourage students to help set up teams and can provide the necessary equipment and kits , and help to cover the cost of competition entry fees .
You can also join us every Wednesday for our Wellbeing Wednesday activities . This is a fully inclusive programme of activities includes Arts & Crafts , Video Gaming , Sports , and physical health events .
Check out www . fc-sa . net / wbw for full details .
Are you passionate about a hobby ?
The FCSA has a number of societies that you can join ! From our award-winning Book Group and Dungeons and Dragons societies , to our newly launched Photography and Music Appreciation societies , we have something for everyone to take part in .
Societies are a great way to meet new people and try new hobbies , and as member of the FCSA , all of them are available for you to take part in and enjoy .
REMEMBER – if you study at Fife College , you ’ re a member of the FCSA and all of our activities and support are there for you .
Don ’ t see anything you like ? Why not set up a new society with us ?
The FCSA : Helping to create your future !
Find out more at www . fc-sa . net
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