Sport and Fitness Course and Career Planner |
Equivalent to National 4s
Equivalent to National 5s
Equivalent to Highers
Key : |
Progression route |
Accelerated progression route
Academies / Community Classes
Advanced Certificate : Sport and Fitness ( Fitness ) |
Double line box
College courses
Certificate : Sport and Fitness |
Intermediate Certificate : Sport and Fitness |
Advanced Certificate : Sport and Fitness ( Sports Coaching ) |
Solid line box |
Advanced Certificate : Football Studies |
School College Partnership courses
Filled in box
Courses share progression options
Dotted line box
Fife Elite Football Academy ( FEFA ) Under 16s
Fife Elite Football Academy ( FEFA ) Under 18s
This planner shows possible routes of progression . For full entry requirements for each course , always check online .
Potential Career Opportunities
Leisure attendant , lifeguard ( with additional external qualifications ), sports leader , volunteer in the sport and fitness industry , youth / community work , army , public services
Leisure attendant , lifeguard ( with additional external qualifications ), active schools coordinator , volunteer in the sport and fitness industry , youth / community work , sports development assistant
* An Articulation Route is a pathway between an HNC or HND and a degree programme , agreed between a college and a university . HNC = Higher National Certificate , HND = Higher National Diploma
Leisure assistant , fitness instructor , gym supervisor , sport development assistant , health development assistant , personal trainer , football development officer , assistant coach ( variety of sports ), leisure attendant / pool lifeguard , community / youth work , lifestyle coach , active schools coordinator
198 | Prospectus 2023 / 24 Fife . ac . uk