Social Sciences Full-time Part-time
HNC : Social Sciences K D K D
HNC : Social Sciences
SCQF Level 7 Full-time Part-time
HND : Social Sciences K D
BA ( Honours ) Social Science
This course offers routes into a range of degree courses , employment , and vocational training . It focuses on the systematic study of people and society . It also aims to develop transferable skills including communication , analytical ability and the handling of complex information .
Entry requirements One of the following :
Chloe Veitch
Advanced Certificate in Social Sciences
I came to study at Fife College because I have studied previously here in 2012 . My time here has been incredible , I have loved the overall experience , the lecturers and course content . Last year , I was working part time , but I decided I wanted to progress in an occupation involving politics and current affairs , therefore it seemed as though Social Science was the best decision to make .
My favourite part of the course was the sociology aspect . You study how society works , sociological theories which you can apply to some social issues within society . For example , we have been learning about poverty which is an important topic to discuss and applying these theories to the topic . As previously mentioned , it makes you see the world in colour rather than black and white . With sociology , you can go down many avenues and paths to explore why things are the way that they are .
“ My ambition for the future is to complete my HNC and HND in Social Sciences . Then I would like to progress into university and work towards a degree .”
Two Highers at Grade C or above , one of which must be English *, with the other being drawn from a range of relevant subjects which could include Modern Studies , History , Sociology , Psychology , Geography , Economics , Politics , Philosophy , Maths , Biology , or Religious , Moral and Philosophical
In addition , you are required to have two National 5s at Grade C or above
Foundation Apprenticeship : Social Services and Healthcare SCQF Level 6 plus Higher English at Grade A or B
Foundation Apprenticeship : Social Services : Children and Young People SCQF Level 6 plus Higher English at Grade A or B
Advanced Certificate : Pathway to Social Sciences
* NC Communication Higher and Literature 1 is an acceptable alternative to Higher English at Grade C .
KEY D Dunfermline K Kirkcaldy G Glenrothes L Levenmouth R Rosyth
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