FIERCE LIFE MAGAZINE Iris Apfel Edition | 页面 4








here are so many waging war against cancer. No

matter the color of your ribbon, we hope to inspire

you where ever you are on your journey.

Fierce Life Magazine celebrates you!

This issue was delicately constructed to celebrate women and walk along side them while on their journey.



Smart Sundays

We are so excited to collaborate this Smart Sunday with Karla Salinari. She is a Brooklyn-based mom, wife, food flip blogger and creator of FlipBox. On her blog, she ‘flips’ unhealthy recipes into healthy alternatives using mostly gluten free, organic, and high-quality ingredients. From the blog came

the idea to launch

a healthy dessert

kit company,


Gluten Free Chai Glazed Pumpkin Cake

Try her personal recipe for this yummy Pumpkin Cake right after you have made her Sweet Potato Pancakes. Top off the day with a Caipirinha Flip. Make a low calorie version of this refreshing cocktail by substituting refined sugar with equal parts of coconut palm sugar. Cheers!

Want to Lose Weight

A Big Breakfast is the first step. Read more on making ahead breakfast bowls.

Money Mondays

While it’s easier now than ever to earn extra cash, it’s important for freelancers and independent contractors to get smart about their tax responsibilities.


How to plan for

the big day...

The wedding. Everyone

eats free food, get s

to dance to music

and leave without

taking part in the

cleanup or the costs.

Tuesday Chronicles

IAre you a wantrepreneur? Five factors to consider before jumping

right into


The idea of owning

one's own business

is attractive to

many, but realistic for few.


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