QGHeart5: Hello my name is QGHeart5 and i'm sitting here with one of imvu's top creators MsArtistic.
QGHeart5: Hello MsArtistic. May i Call you Art ?
MsArtistic: Yes pls do. Art is fine. Some people like to use my formal name. Others call me MAC, MsA, or Art. It's all good :)
QGHeart5: Thank you.
MsArtistic: YW
QGHeart5: My first question to you is, What brought you to fashion? To become a desinger of Fashion ?
MsArtistic: Well I was intrigued by a friend of mine, Iscilla. She would create clothing and badges (before IMVU recreated the term Badge) for your home page that were amazing. Her badges were circular stickers that she would put your face and name in. She actually is the very reason I became a creator. When I told her i wish i could create like her. She said DO IT. So I did.
MsArtistic: She was such a great mentor
MsArtistic: She wasn't into the competition thing. She was all for uplifting and empowerment.
MsArtistic: And the way she taught me was by one little statement.
MsArtistic: She said, "Read everything."
MsArtistic: So I did.
QGHeart5: Sounds like she liked giving back.
MsArtistic: And, I learned well.
MsArtistic: And, she bought everything I made loll
MsArtistic: They were horrible!
MsArtistic: lol
MsArtistic: Yes she did.
MsArtistic: But she wouldn't coddle me and hold my hand either.
QGHeart5: So...How long have you been creating fine fashions for our imvu readers ?