Fierce Elegance vl.1 | Page 15


INGREDIENTS: 1.ham..1. litter of 7up... 1. box of brown sugar 1. bottle of honey 1.can of pineapples 1. jar of cherries 1 bottle of cloves(ground or whole)

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Rinse ham under cool water. (if ham has a lot of sodium u can boil for 30 mins. Place in roasting pan. cut across with knife just enough to see the cut . then slice again in the opposite direction ...creating diamond cuts. Pour 7up our ham filling pan until the soda at least an inch from the bottom of the ham. Pour half the bottle of honey over the ham (more if u choose). Sprinkle on 1/2 cup of brown sugar. Sprinkle on Nut meg bout 2 tbl spoons. Place pineapples neatly around the ham (using tooth picks 1 for each pineapple). Place cherries inside the pineapples. Insert clove on the sides of the pineapple. Before placing in oven bast ham with mixed juices at least twice. Cook cover for 45 mins to a hour. After u take it out and cools for a min cut up and allow to soak in juices. thank u enjoy