The Fields Institute partners with CNRS and FMJH
The Fields Institute, the Centre
national de la recherche
scientifique (CNRS), and the
Fondation mathématique Jacques
Hadamard (FMJH) forged new
collaborations to further research
in the mathematical sciences
between France and Canada. The
two-way partnerships aims to
promote student exchanges and
to provide a favorable framework
for mobility for academics and
postdocs to and from the CNRS,
the FMJH, and Fields Principal
Sponsoring Universities.
Ian Hambleton, Director, Fields Institute
(right) shakes hands with Jean-Stéphane
Dhersin, Deputy Director, International
Collaboration, CNRS at the Canadian
Embassy in Paris on April 9, 2019.
The three-year agreements,
the first of their kind between
Fields and French institutions,
represent a high level of
collaboration and aim to
establish long-term relations
between French and Canadian
mathematical communities. The
partnerships were formalized
at a signing ceremony on
April 9, 2019, in Paris, France.
“Through these agreements,
Fields is able to offer exchange
programs, share resources
and work together with other
institutes to enhance and promote
excellence in mathematics
research at home and abroad.
The contributions of France-
based researchers have been
integral and vitally important to
the intellectual life and success
of the Institute and we hope to
encourage and promote new
connections through these
agreements,” said Fields Institute
Director Ian Hambleton.
Founded in 1939, the CNRS
is a French interdisciplinary
public research organization
internationally recognized for
the excellence of its scientific
research. Its scientists explore
the living world, matter, the
Universe, and the functioning
of human societies in order
to meet the major challenges
of today and tomorrow.
Founded in 2010, by decree of
the French Prime Minister, the
FMJH is an initiative that aims
to support projects of scientific
Ian Hambleton (right) and Pierre Pansu, Director,
FMJH at the Canadian Embassy in Paris on April
9, 2019, signing three-year agreement.
excellence in mathematical and
related sciences. It contributes to
the development and structure
of mathematical training at
the graduate, doctoral, and
postdoctoral levels. It also helps
make connections between
mathematics and other scientific
disciplines and reinforces and
coordinates international
collaborative programs in
support of its mission.