Combinatorial Algebra Meets
Algebraic Combinatorics
January 25-27, 2019 • University of Ottawa
Organizers: Colin Ingalls and Daniel Panario (Carleton University), Franco Saliola
(Université du Québec à Montréal), and Alistair Savage (University of Ottawa)
This was the 16th iteration of Combinatorial
Algebra Meets Algebraic Combinatorics. The
goal of these meetings is to advance an ongoing
dialogue between researchers in algebraic
combinatorics working in combinatorial aspects
of representation theory and polyhedral
combinatorics, and commutative algebraists with
combinatorial interests such as toric geometry
and tropical geometry. The interaction between
these two groups has proven to be immensely
fruitful, leading to a cross-fertilization of ideas.
The 2019 event was held at the University
of Ottawa. It attracted over 60 participants
from across Canada and the United States. As
with previous events, the workshop included
four invited lectures and a number of shorter
contributed talks. Uniquely, this year's event
also featured a CRM - University of Ottawa
Distinguished Lecture on Gelfand-Tsetlin Theory
by Vyacheslav Futorny (University of Sao Paulo).
The workshop opened on Friday afternoon with
an invited talk by Susan Cooper (University of
Manitoba), which was followed by a talk by
Erhard Neher (University of Ottawa) and the CRM
Distinguished Lecture. The event resumed on
Saturday morning with an invited talk by Daniel
Erman (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and
talks by Adam Van Tuyl (McMaster University),
Maryam Ehya (Dalhousie University), Oliver
Pechenik (University of Michigan), and Daniele
Turchetti (Dalhousie University). The mathematics
presented in the morning spurred conversations
over lunch in the university dining hall. The
afternoon session began with an invited talk by
Rosa Orellana (Dartmouth College) and talks
by Sara Faridi (Dalhousie University), Michael
Reeks (University of Ottawa), Erika Ordog (Duke
University), Kaveh Mousavand (Université de
Québec à Montréal), and Glenn Appleby (Santa
Clara University). Saturday evening featured a
conference dinner at Byward Market. Sunday began
with an invited talk by Kirill Zainoulline (University
of Ottawa), followed by talks by Véronique Bazier-
Matte (Université de Québec à Montréal), Yuly
Billig (Carleton University), and Nancy Wallace
and Hugh Thomas (Université de Québec à
Montréal). The workshop was a resounding success,
further strengthening the research connections
between these two groups of researchers.