Fields Notes 18.1 | Page 2

FIELDS NOTES VOLUME 18:1|Winter-Spring 2018 11  SPOTLIGHT: Professors Tobias Colding, Messoud Efendiyev, and Jeremy Quastel 12 LIFE AT FIELDS Contents 12 Math in Motion … Girls in Gear! 03 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR 13 Fields-Inria Workshop on Mathematics for Medicine 04 NEWS: Fields Centre for Quantitative Analysis 14 Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Cardiac Electrophysiology 05 CALENDAR 16 Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics Meeting and Modelling (Fields-CQAM) 06 SPECIAL LECTURES 07 FEATURED: 53rd Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference 17 Workshop on Wildland Fire Appropriate Response: Generating and Using Science 19 Public Lecture: Adventures in the 7th Dimension 20 Course: From Atoms to Axons: Life as a Hierarchy of Devices 21 Seminar: 2017-2018 Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar 26 CALLS FOR PROPOSALS, NOMINATIONS AND APPLICATIONS 08  FOCUS: Thematic Program on Geometric Analysis DIRECTOR FRONT COVER DESIGN/IMAGE Zainab Coovadia/Bryan Eelhart DEPUTY DIRECTOR Huaxiong Huang BACK COVER IMAGE Derivative of "Farey diagram horizontal arc 9" by Cmglee, used under CC BY 2.0 Ian Hambleton MANAGING EDITOR Zainab Coovadia COPY EDITORS Jonathan Farrow Miriam Schoeman The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences publishes FIELDS NOTES three times a year. CONNECT WITH US Questions? Comments? E-mail [email protected] @fieldsinstitute