Thematic Program on Geometric Analysis
the summer school. The seminars had over
18 speakers, most of whom were either
long‑term visitors of the thematic program (e.g.
Xianzhe Dai, Klaus Kröncke, Guofang Wei, Eric
Woolgar, Ana Menezes) or were participants
of the workshops or summer schools with
longer visit periods (e.g. Jason Lotay, Tommaso
Pacini, Gerhard Huisken). There were also
speakers who were short-term visitors (e.g.
Frank Morgan, Blake Temple, Ben Chow).
The Thematic Program featured two special
graduate classes. The first one, Variational
theory of minimal surfaces was taught jointly
by the Dean’s Distinguished Visiting Professors
Fernando Codá Marques and André Neves—they
are world‑class researchers and outstanding
lecturers. The second graduate course,
Introduction to mean curvature flow was taught
by Robert Haslhofer (University of Toronto).
There were nine strong postdocs for the
program, including the Fields-Ontario
Postdoctoral Fellows Gong Chen and
Panagiotis Gianniotis, and the Marsden
Postdoctoral Fellow Mohammad Najafi Ivaki.
Throughout the program, there were two
regularly‑scheduled events: the Fields Institute
Geometric Analysis Colloquium held almost
every Wednesday (sometimes with two speakers
on the same day) and the Geometric Analysis
Postdoctoral Seminar held frequently on
Thursdays and organized by the postdoctoral
fellows associated with the program.
The organizers feel that the Thematic Program
on Geometric Analysis was enormously
successful, and had an outstanding semester
at the Fields Institute, positively impacting the
lives and the careers of many mathematicians,
especially junior researchers.
Participants at the Summer School on Geometric Analysis • July 10-21, 2017