Just because...
Enjoying a visit to the @FieldsInstitute
to do some mathematics!
- Alejandro Adem, @alejandroadem
Our favourite tweets from the
last four months
The Fields Institute has some intricate and beautiful artwork
At the end of the day, sunlight adorns this
120-cell displayed in the @FieldsInstitute.
- Joshua Bowman, @Thalesdisciple
Just before Jason Lotay's public lecture: Adventures in the
7th Dimenstion
.@FieldsInstitute lecture about to start.
Dear 18 year old self-you now go to
math lectures for entertainment.
- Matthew Oldridge, @MatthewOldridge
After the sad news of Maryam Mirzakhani's passing
During Lila Kari's talk at our Ada Lovelace Day event
Doodles by a Fields Medal winner.
Goodbye Maryam Mirzakhani.
@FieldsInstitute @mknrcm @
- Judy, @judy11235813
When we posted about the origin of Friday the 13th being
It's a PRIME example of numerical
@UWaterloo @FieldsInstitute Species
with amphibian & reptile characteristics
or fish with amphibian traits??
Molecular distance maps (MoD)
capture these, weirdly cool!!
- Bhairavi Shankar, @b_muscateer
Upon encountering the ArtSci Salon guerilla display
Cool exhibit from @Thepurplelilac at @
FieldsInstitute Hope there is another
#knitaneuronTO @SciCommTOsession
- Elizabeth Neswald, @eneswald1
- Jonathan D. Evenboer, @jde13X
During the Fields Medal Symposium public opening
Martin Hairer giving his public
talk titled "taming infinities" @
FieldsInstitute what an inspiring talk
- K1, @k1monfared