Stochastic Processes
and Their Applications
The Fields Workshop on Stochastic Processes and Their
Applications was held at Carleton University from August
9-11, 2017 under the joint sponsorship of Fields Institute
and the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Carleton
The three-day event featured by two 1.5-hour tutorials, 11
fifty minute invited talks, and 7 thirty-minute short talks given
by graduate students. These talks covered a wide range
of topics, including Markov processes, queueing networks,
stochastic control and filtering, mean field models, stochastic
simulations, finance, among others. The materials of the two
tutorials were carefully designed to benefit both graduate
Workshop on Operator
Systems in Quantum
The Workshop on Operator Systems in Quantum Information
was held from August 14 to 17, 2017 at the University of
Guelph. There were approximately 40 participants, with
roughly half from the surrounding region and half drawn
from around the world. Sponsorship was welcomed from the
Fields Institute, the Institute for Quantum Computing at the
University of Waterloo, and the Perimeter Institute.
students and researchers. David McDonald of University of
Ottawa presented his tutorial on Yaglom limits, which are
concerned with an appropriately defined limiting distribution
for an absorbing Markov chain. The second tutorial was
delivered by Opher Baron of University of Toronto on
queueing and Makov chain decomposition (QMCD). The 11
fifty-minute invited talks covered a diverse range of topics
related to probability, stochastic processes, and applications.
The event was very successful in bringing together nearly
40 participants and it provided an important forum where
researchers and students in the field could meet to encourage
on-going research, discuss work-in-progress, and motivate
new initiatives.
— Yiqiang Zhao
generated new collaborations, the organizers ensured that
significant time for scientific discussions was included in the
daily schedule. Early indications suggest that once again,
plenty of “work” was accomplished at this workshop as well.
Participants enjoyed pleasant summer weather in Guelph, with
several exploring the university campus and old downtown
area. The organizers were delighted to host this workshop
and are grateful to all participants for their contributions to
the program and discussions, and to the sponsors for their
— Jason Crann and David Kribs
The purpose of the workshop was to stimulate interaction
between researchers with different backgrounds, who are
broadly interested in the theoretical development of operator
systems and their applications to quantum information.
The participants were encouraged to discuss recent
developments, modern techniques, as well as the challenges
in their respective research programs. The topics ranged
from recent theoretical developments such as operator
system tensor products and their connection with Connes'
Embedding Problem, to modern applications in non-local
games, quantum correlations, zero-error quantum channel
capacities, quantum error correction, and quantum local
operations and classical communication.
Building on the format used at a similar workshop last year,
of which several participants spoke positively and claimed