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Equation The idea was an instant hit, attracting major sponsors and raising $25,000 in its first year. Now there are operations in over 100 Canadian cities raising over $1.3 million every year for youth programs and sports teams. De Koninck’s forays into math outreach started with interviews on mathematics related subjects for several television and radio networks. Math outreach is different from math education, De Koninck says. “In math education, you have the people in the room already; for math outreach, they’re not there yet. You have to go get them. There’s a lot of people that never hear about mathematics because they never get the right messenger.” For many, the right messenger was De Koninck himself. In 1999, he was giving a talk about prime numbers at Cegep (a publicly funded pre‑university college in the province of Quebec’s education system), when he was noticed by a television crew who were looking for someone to host a new popular mathematics show called “C’est mathématique!” De Koninck initially refused, but was urged by his colleagues to change his mind. De Koninck at 19 years old Its mission is to arouse and reinforce the interest of young people for mathematics and demystify mathematics for the population at large. SMAC activities include Show Math, an educational show about mathematics aimed at the general public, and MathAmaze/Math en jeu, a free online mathematical game developed in De Koninck coaching swimming collaboration with Mitacs. In the game, you move through a maze by answering math questions that are tailored in difficulty according to your level. The show ran for two seasons on the Z Network and was later purchased by the TFO Network (Télévision française de l’Ontario/Ontario French Television) where they continue to be aired each Fall. College professors would call De Koninck asking for copies of the tapes. “The kids are in front of their computers all the time now, so let’s go where they are,” he explains. “This was really the starting point. I noticed that I could do outreach and it made an impact.” “We need [their] brightness and energy to solve tomorrow’s problems and when you’re very passionate you do inf