Field Installation and Service Manual IMS102 | Page 2

Field Installation and Service Manual SECTION 1 - INSTALLATION Laying Out the Install Illustrated Method Sheet 102 Laying Out the Install involves the following: Step 1 Locating the Highpoint on the Floor This Illustrated Method Shee t describes the process for identifying the actual locations on the wall for each of the cabinets in an install. Taking the time to lay out the install completely beforehand will increase the likelihood of performing an installation that is effi cient, spaced optimally, and free of errors. Step 2 Drawing the Base Cabinet Index Line Step 3 Drawing the Wall Cabinet Index Line Step 4 Calculating Run Lengths and Filler Sizes Step 5 Transferring Individual Cabinet Names and Locations to the Walls Step 6 Locating and Marking the Exact Stud Centers at Cabinet Locations Step 7 Examining Walls to Identify Bowed, Bellied and Out of Square Conditions Step 8 Staging Tall and Wall Cabinets ©2017 PCS Professional Cabinet Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Section 1: IMS 102 2