Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain LIFE Spring 2015, Issue 11 | Page 23

Advocacy Update • integrated to encourage population-focused research, education, communication, and communitywide approaches that can help reduce pain and its consequences and remediate disparities in the experience of pain among subgroups of Americans. • Include an agenda for developing physiological, clinical, behavioral, and psychological outcomes, and health services research and appropriate links across these domains. • Improve pain assessment and management programs within the service delivery and financing programs of the federal government. • Proceed in cooperation with the Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee and the National Institutes of Health’s Pain Consortium and reach out to privatesector participants as appropriate. • Involve the appropriate agencies and entities. • Include ongoing efforts to enhance public awareness about the nature of chronic pain and the role of self-care in its management. Under the auspices of the IPRCC, the National Pain Strategy Task Force Working Groups were organized to create the National Pain Strategy (NPS). Seven working groups (comprised of 80 experts across America) then developed the comprehensive NPS. NPS Task Force members include patient advocates: Jan Chambers, President of National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association; Lee Claassen, Executive Director of Interstitial Cystitis Association; Penney Cowan, President of American Chronic Pain Association; Terrie Cowley, President of TMJ Association; Cindy Steinberg, Policy Director for U.S. Pain Foundation; and Christin Veasley, Co-founder of the Chronic Pain Research Alliance. The National Pain Strategy developed by the National Pain Strategy Task Force has been under review by HHS for several months and will soon be released for a 30-day public comment period. People with chronic pain, their families, friends, healthcare providers, and all stakeholders are urged to respond to the recommendation and actions generated by the National Pain Strategy Task Force. Your voice matters, and it is important that you respond to the public comment period so that people affected by chronic pain will be heard. Watch for more information about the National Pain Strategy and how you can help to ensure recognition of important issues faced everyday by people with FM and chronic pain. The National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association joined the newly formed Consumer Pain Advocacy Task Force (CPATF) In March 2014, 16 organizations formed the CPATF to unite around one goal – to work collectively to promote, support and monitor the implementation of the National Pain Strategy (NPS). Learn more about the NPS and how you can be involved please go to The National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association will keep you informed along the way and ask for your involvement at critical moments. Stay tuned and be ready to take action. We expect the NPS Report to be released for an open public comment period soon and will send you an action alert at the right time so you can join thousands of others living with pain to speak out in response. • Chronic pain is a