Fibroids Miracle PDF EBook Free Download Fibroids Miracle PDF EBook Free Download | Page 33

1BChapter 2 – All About Uterine fibroids 3. Estriol: 33 The weakest of the estrogens, estriol is made in higher quantities during pregnancy and has been linked in some studies to a lowered risk of breast cancer in women who have higher levels of it in their systems as they reach menopause. Can Your Emotions Affect Fibroid Growth? The human mind can have a huge impact on the human body. The fact is that our emotions can help us remain healthy and strong; but they can also set us up for increased health problems – including fibroids. The Limbic Brain System is a complicated system in the body which not only oversees our emotions, but helps to control our hormones. When we are scared or upset, the Limbic system tells other parts of the body, including the pituitary gland, to release different hormones and chemicals to help us stay safe. This affect is often referred to as the Fight or Flight response. While designed to protect us, if we initiate the Fight or Flight Response too often, the hormones that are earmarked for one purpose are redirected to another. This can leave the parts of the body in need of those chemicals at a loss. And this can cause problems. A female reproductive system that is starved from the right amount of certain hormones at the right time may develop menstruation problems, or it could signal uterine muscle cells to begin reproducing which could create a fibroid tumor. Page 33