For cultivation methods, there are methods that are grown in two ways which is vertical and horizontal. The reason use this is to find out whether there are differences that affect or not. Another than that, the EFB is used because it is easy to get and cheapest than planting medium like paddy straw and cotton. If the EFB have seeds between the brunch, cannot use the EFB because it can disturb the growth of mycelium and the mycelium are hard to reproduce. In addition, if there is a seed, the monkey will inspect and eat the seeds. In a nutshell, it bring a negative impact to production of mushrooms.

All of the bed were covered by the black poly-sheet because want to increase the temperature of the EFB and for the mycelium’s roots, it help the roots of mycelium to growth and spread. Next, the area of mushroom also was covered by black net with white poles to avoid from wild boar to enter the mushrooms crop area. For the area of cultivation, mostly area plantation has the highest production of mushroom compared to forest. Besides, this plantation also can be done at open spaces, but the most important thing is the temperature must be high for the growth of mushrooms.

Furthermore, there have four stages for the mushrooms. The very first stage of mushroom growth is pinhead. They appear as tiny mushrooms growing out of the substrate. The second stage of mushroom is button. Pins continue to expand and grow larger through the button stage, and ultimately a button enlarges to a mushroom. The third stage is egg stage. The high commercial value of mushroom is in the button and egg stage. The fourth stage is in an umbrella shape. In this stage, the taste of the mushrooms is not good. There are also have the way on how to harvest the mushroom which is pick up the mushrooms and make sure there is no leftovers left in the empty fruit bunch. This is because to avoid from pest and disturb the growth of the mushroom.
