Mushroom agroforestry practical were held on 18 April 2018 (Wednesday) and the location is in Sultan Idris Shah Forestry Education Center (SISFEC). We had a practical on mushroom agroforestry together with Dr. Ruzana and Dr. Sabiha. The species of mushroom that use in this practical is Volvariella volvacea.

Most plants depend on symbiotic relationships with certain types of fungi such as mycorrhizae. Other types of fungi support plants indirectly by releasing enzymes into the environment, making nutrients available, and performing many other functions. Fungi can be a great asset to a farm system, both for their ecological services and for their valuable edible and medicinal products. The objective of this project is to know the difference of the beds direction on the growth of mushrooms. Secondly, the objective is to find the optimum range on the environmental condition of the production. Thirdly, able to know the effectiveness of cultivation in the forest area. The location of this mushroom agroforestry is under canopy of tree and the area was surrounded by black.

As we know, mushrooms are the higher fungi which have long been used for food and medicinal purposes. There are 14,000 known species of mushrooms of which 2,000 are safe for human consumption and about 650 of possess medicinal properties (Thatoi and Singdevsachan, 2014). Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of certain types of fungi, many of which can play highly beneficial roles in forest ecosystems. Many of these fungi have unique abilities to break down wood, leaves, and other organic matter and recycle nutrients back into the system.

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Mushroom Agroforestry?