FHSTheFlash The Flash Volume 54, Issue 2 January 2014 | Page 6
The Flash Online: www.fhstheflash.com
Teens Talking Truth
Emily Drumm
Flash Staff Reporter
“T3 started many years
ago. It was originally called
SAD (Students Against
Drunk Driving). Then that
group evolved into Students
Against Destructive Decisions because they thought
SAD was too restrictive.
Students Against Destructive Decisions is a national
organization. Here at the
school we’ve evolved into
T3, Teens Talking Truth,
because the students we had
in the group thought that T3
was a name that gave a more
positive connotation to what
they were doing. They are
teens and they are promoting healthy behaviors and
they wanted to make sure
it was all inclusive,” Fraser
teacher and T3 leader Steven
Norgrove said.
Teens Talking Truth is a
club at Fraser High School
dedicated to empowering
their peers to live a healthy
lifestyle. Students tell their
tales and express their
thoughts on the Fraser community. Whether the topic
is tobacco, marijuana, or
alcohol abuse, members of
T3 have something to say.
“Drugs and alcohol will always be an important topic.
Each has a negative influence on a person. In T3 we
stand up against these things
and fight for staying clean
and being a good person. We
hope to educate each other,”
junior Becky Carson said.
Not only do members of
T3 share their opinions and
stories, but they take action.
The group takes on many
projects. In protest against
hol or anti tobacco. What it
drug use, T3 passed out red
does is blend those together
ribbons during Red Ribbon
to make a group that is
Week at Fraser. Each ribbon non-discriminatory against
symbolized a pledge to stay
people that do partake in
clean of drugs.
those behaviors. We want
“Red ribbon week is a big
to promote healthy lifeone, and another thing we
style. We want to promote
do is coming up here soon.
that students make positive
We are going to be training
choices and then promote
some of our members to go
those choices so that they
present to the elementary
can influence others to do
schools. They like doing that. the same,” Norgrove said.
We have
T3 changes
created a
“...people do make
to adjust to the
PSA contest,
mistakes. We are there
troubles affecting
public service to help people through
teens today. They
announcethose mistakes.”
promote students
ment, and we
to make positive
published the
choices and influbest ones and given prizes to ence others to do the same.
those. We’ve participated in
“Every year it seems to be
the school parade for Home- a different substance. Right
coming. We have days where now it’s pushing prescription
FAN comes in and speaks to
drug use. Also the legalizaour classes,” Norgrove said.
tion of marijuana had a big
“The nice thing about the
impact on our youth. Those
T3 group is that it is county
are the things we are trying
wide, so we do activities with to counteract,” Norgrove
other schools in the county.
For the last few years we
T3 is an organization
actually went to the MISD.
formed because the teens
We take a day there where
of the Fraser community
we watch presentations. We
need some guidance making
have had students in the past healthy choices in their lives.
help set up these presenta“We just like to get out imtions. It’s a day long field trip age out there and get ideas
for the students to discuss
out there to let the comsituations that we are dealmunity know, especially out
ing with.”
youth, that it’s okay to make
T3 is available to anyone.
healthy choices,” Norgrove
The cost to participate is
said. “They think that evnothing but your time.
erybody’s doing it. We are
“I think it is a great ortrying to get the message
ganization to join because
out there that not everyone
we are anti-tobacco, drugs,
is doing it. It’s cool to stay
and alcohol. Some students,
clean it’s the best way to go.
for instance, are anti drug
Then again, people do make
and are heavily involved in
mistakes. We are there to
certain aspects of that. Some help people through those
students are also anti alcomistakes.”
The Girl Player
in fact the coaches make it
that way so that no one is
Flash Staff Reporter
treated differently on the