FHSTheFlash The Flash Volume 54, Issue 2 January 2014 | Page 10
An Emerging Artist
The Flash Online: www.fhstheflash.com
Savanna DiStefano
sophomore year, Gianetti
enrolled in her first photogWith a Crayola crayon
raphy class, which helped acsqueezed in her fist, the
celerate her skills and talent
young kindergartener pracin art.
ticed her skills in one of her
“I’ve had her in photogramany coloring books. Franphy for three years. Between
cesca Gianetti has always
Mrs. Di Pace and myself, she
loved to color, draw, and
has been in a variety of art
make art.
classes, so she constantly
“I’ve always wanted to be a flutters between the art desculptor, always, and I found partment and the teachers in
out that I’m really bad at
the art department,” FHS art
sculpture, awful. So, then I
teacher Roger Drabant said.
got a camera from my aunt
Teaming up with Giain sixth grade and became
netti is 18 year old Brandey
really fascinated with it, and Rudolph. Rudolph creates
took that up.”
her own art pieces using
The first camera Gianetti
make-up and a model’s face
received was a film camera.
as a blank canvas. She rats
With help from family, Giaand exaggerates models’ hair
netti learned to use the new
to transform her into the
camera well.
“When I
characstarted getting
ter to be
better at the
photofilm, I asked
for Christmas,
for a
like freshmen
year, for a nice
digital camera,
and I got one.
From learning
the film I could
in being
learn everya makeup
thing about the
digital pretty
since I
easily,” Gianetti
was a
little girl.
I used to
Credit: Gianetti family
Gianetti loved the
watch my sister
camera and taking pictures
put on her makeup and beg
of others.
her to teach me. I was the
“I’d be like, ‘hey let’s take
one kid who had way too
pictures,’ to my friends. You
much makeup on when I was
know, the typical Myspace
only in elementary school,”
and Facebook pictures. I
Rudolph said. “It ended up
was like ‘These look like pho- helping me in the long run
tography pictures,’” Gianetti though, because I’ve been
practicing and studying it
Transferring from Chippesince I was so young.”
wa High School to FHS her
Both Gianetti and RuFlash Editor
dolph are able to relate to
takes on song writing as well.
a chance, a risk, and more
having a desire for art at
often than not, those risks
“I’ve never really consida young age. Because of
turn out in a positive way,”
ered myself a great singer.
this, they are able to come
Drabant said.
But, I enjoy it, and I find a
way to make
and create
it fit the mubeautiful
sic I want
phototo perform.
Singing isn’t
help from
my stronmodels.
gest point,
The photoand I know
graphs are
that, so I try
my best to
on the
write good
lyrics that
can connect
with,” GiaPhotogranetti said.
“I hope one
“Evday someerything
one can reScholastic award winning photography piece by Gianetti
ally get into
Credit: Frankie Gianetti