FHSTheFlash The Flash Volume 46, Issue 3 January 2006 | Page 3
January 2006
Visit The Flash online at:
Alleysha Tucker
Kristen Schatow
Advisory Editor
Nicki Hinchman
Assistant Editor
Amanda Dupure
Photo Editor
Kyle Snarski
Exchange Editor
Petia Kapintcheva
Web Editor
Andrew Kauffman
Web Master
Aaron Hamel
Flash Reporters
Ashley Bletch
Paul Digiovanni
Robert Druzynski
Aaron Hamel
Arthur McCall
John Milby
Jerica Pitts
Sarah Zalewski
James Flanagan
About Us
The purpose of the Flash is to inform and entertain our audience,
which includes the entire community, on subjects that may affect our
readers. We also aim to be an open
forum for the audience to be heard
and make comments and observations. It is our intent that we provide this information in a clear,
meaningful, and journalistic way.
The Flash is a member of the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA).
Editorial Policy
The editorial board is the decisionmaking group for the newspaper
staff. It includes the editor-in-chief,
assistant editors, and all other writers, web editors, and photographers. The board is in charge of
making the decisions on what will
go into the newspaper. If a controversial issue arises, it is the common assumption that th ere will be
nothing published in the newspaper that is libelous, obscene, copyrighted, disrupting, or advocating
illegal activities.
Contact Us
At the Flash, we encourage letters
to the editor so that our readers can
cooperate with us to make a better
newspaper. Any signed letter of
which is not libelous, obscene, or
regarding defamation or incitement
may be accepted to be published.
Letters are subject to edit for grammar and content if necessary. Please
keep letters 250 words or less. Letters can also be submitted in the box
outside of the journalism room or
in the main office, as well as via email
[email protected]
Letters to the Editor should be addressed to:
Letter to the Editor , The Flash
34270 Garfield
Fraser, MI 48026
By Nicki Hinchman ‘06
By Robb Druzynski ‘06
Flash Staff Reporter
I can keep a good reputation?
I shouldn’t.
The fact of the matter is, I
can say many, many things
in this little space I’m given
each issue. I can choose to
sugarcoat a hot topic and stay
on everyone’s good side, or
I could even avoid controversy altogether and keep my
feelings to myself. But that
isn’t me, and that isn’t what
I’ve been taught to do. There
is a large difference between
an educated argument and an
unintelligent article, and I
haven’t been guilty of the
latter in the past. Many
people seem to miss this
when they read what I have
to say; the harsh details seem
to overrun the actual meaning of an article that one may
not agree with. This is not
my fault, seeing that I am just
trying to say what’s on my
mind and share my opinions
with whomever wants to listen.
At the end of it all, I’m
never going to stop doing
what I enjoy doing the most.
I can only tell everyone to
read it, accept it, and watch
how you interpret it; I do this
because I love to write and
express myself, not because
I want and seek controversy.
All my life I’ve been told
Since 1959, The Fraser Flash has been written, designed,
and published by FHS students. Every year a new Editor- by others to speak my mind;
in-Chief takes hold of the reigns in hopes to direct the paper saying what I’m thinking is
down the right path to become more successful than the pre- the best form of self-expresvious year. Let me tell you from first hand experience, it’s sion. As a student I’m always taught what a powernot a simple task.
The position of Editor-in-Chief is one that entails the at- ful idea freedom of speech is.
tributes of a perfectionist. I’ve learned that a combination The problem, however,
of diligence, patience, and a sense of humor are necessities seems to arise when I actuin order to survive the grueling process of creating a high ally do open my ideas up to
school newspaper. The constant flow of questions, rough the world. Is there a double
drafts, layout designs, and deadlines seem endless. But let’s standard here that we try to
face it; there would be no use for an Editor-in-Chief with- cover up? Yes, there is, and
out a staff of reporters and a little bit of controversy thrown everything’s fine in the
world of a reader until someinto the mix.
Depending on the current content in the upcoming issue, thing they disagree with
The Flash takes one month (give or take a few weeks) to comes along.
This will only be the third
publish and distribute. As a reader of The Flash, you are
only exposed to the finished product. Also as a reader, you article I’ve written for any
are the first to point out silly grammatical errors, pick apart journalistic newspaper, and
the content, and stir-up controversy. But is anyone really I’ve already thought about
giving it a rest due to the
After almost four years of being a staff member, I have flack I’ve received. Why
learned to take criticism with an open mind. But believe it should I be criticized for
or not, the hardest part of releasing a newspaper is receiving speaking my mind? It
no feedback at all. After spending weeks researching, inter- sounds like a simple question
viewing, and drafting an article to reach near-perfection, your where the answer would be
heart slowly begins to harden each time your hard work is “you shouldn’t,” but it sadly
over looked. Remember, this is your school newspaper so happens. I can understand
please do not hesitate to pick up a pen and write a letter to individuals having a different point of view as I do, but
the Editor to express how you feel.
As my role of Editor-in-Chief is wrapping up and being there is no reason for me to
passed along to my Assistant Editors, I felt it necessary to be condemned for conveying
write this editorial. I want it to be known that I do appreci- my thoughts and opinions.
ate the hard work exerted by my staff, my adviser, and my- Why should I conform to the
self. Writing for The Flash is not just a class that you earn views of the majority just so
credit for nor is it just a means of self-gratification to see
your name in print. All 15 members of the staff, including Response to the editorial on the FHS teacher
myself, are journalists with a specific cause: to provide an contract and perceived conduct of staff
open forum for student expression, ultimately providing
Having read through the editorial in the last issue of the
news and entertainment for the Fraser community. I appreciate those of you who take the time to pick up each issue, Flash written by an FHS student related to their vantage point
on the conduct of FHS teachers during the contract negotiavoice your own opinions, and respect our valiant efforts.
tions, I would like to take a moment to briefly respond.
Whenever a writer tackles a difficult topic, such as this, it is
All parents, adult community members, and student in grades 6 and up
Are welcome to join us for an informative
imperative that both sides of the story be portrayed, especially if their goal is to improve how events happen in the
future. Having read through the article several times, I was
left with the impression that both sides of the story had not
Wednesday, February 15
been told equally. The article seemed to generalize a few
7:00 P.M.
scenarios an d left the reader with the impression that the
Fraser High School auditorium
majority of staff had made certain statements or conducted
themselves in a certain way that was detrimental to the stuFind Out:
dent body. As the principal of this building and a new memReal facts: ‘05 FHS grad dies this fall from a drug overdose
ber of the staff here in Fraser, I am fortunate to have the
County & Fraser Statistics on Alcohol/Drug Use
Penalties-students in possession & parents who supply
opportunity to interact with a large number of students and
Parent input-Tell us what you know-suggest how schools can help
staff on a daily basis. It is from this perspective that I can
state that despite the challenges that we all experienced with
Real Solutions: Student & Parent Strategies that Work
Paraphernalia to look for
starting the school year without a teaching contract in place,
Follow-up meetings
I regularly witnessed staff members going the “extra mile”
for students. The writer also generalized that staff members
All Fraser Families
were educating students at FHS simply for financial gain – I
Need to Be Aware
can assure you that that is not the case.
Fraser Schools Seeks
Parents as Partners
I would encourage the student writers of the Flash to continue to tackle the tough topics in our school environment
and to do your best to consider each side of the story.
Drug Awareness Night
- Dr. Richards