FHSTheFlash The Flash Volume 46, Issue 2 December 2005 | Page 12

Sports 12 December 2005 Nothing to cheer about Fraser star goalie By Alleysha Tucker ‘06 ries that result in paralysis or Assistant Editor death than any other sport. According to the injury statistics With a couple of fractured reported by the National Cenribs, plenty of bruises, and a broter for Catasophic Sports Injury ken arm, Jamie is rushed to Research, “The majorthe hospital. Days before ity of catastrophic injuthe first football game of the ries to females were season, the team has lost from cheerleading. At their star player. While dothe high school level, of ing a tuck, Jamie miscalcu60 direct injuries in all lated her landing causing activities, 28 were from her to land on her arm and cheerleading (46.7%). abdomen. Jamie is a cheerAt the college level, of leader. 28 direct injuries, 18 Dumb, ditsy, blondes were from cheerleading prancing around in too short (64.3%). Of the 29 pleated skirts yelling, “GO, cases examined by reTEAM GO!”— This is the searchers, 17 cases intypical stereotype of a volved severe head incheerleader, how juries (including 13 skull ever cheerleading has venfractures and 2 deaths), tured far from this outdated 8 involved fracture or mold. injury to the neck and 3 According to Elite Cheer involved injuries to the Inc., “Cheerleading is a spinal cord. One case sport that requires a total involved both a head inmastery of gymnastics, jury and a neck fracdance, cheer, and fitness.” ture.” These essential charac“I believe that with the teristics work together to proper coaching and help teams excel in comtraining on difficult gympetitions. Most cheerleadnastics and stunting ers compete in various reskills, cheerleading injugional, state, and national ries will be less likely to level competitions. In oroccur,” said Coach der to place in one of these Jackson. competitions, teams have to Varsity Cheerleader Tiffanny Monschau Traditionally, a perform gravity-defying shows Fraser pride. cheerleader’s purpose is stunts, body-twisting to give support and tumbles, and vigorous dance points but overall placing de- cheer on the football and basroutines. pends on the team.” ketball players. Nowadays, the “Judging is based on points in The latest statistics show cheerleaders are the players various categories such as ex- that high school and college and the fans are supporting and ecution, difficulty, appearance, cheerleaders sustain more inju- cheering for them. By Arthur McCall ‘06 By Paul DiGiovanni ‘07 The varsity football team will have many goals to shoot for when next season starts. and overall impression, ” said Fraser varsity cheer coach Jessica Jackson. “A well choreographed routine with enough of these requirements will help with Manchester United soccer Flash Sports Reporter team play. Carter hopes to pursue a soccer career in the fuFraser’s star goalie, Brandon ture. Carter, is one of the FHS soc“ I would definitely like to play cer team’s prize possessions. college soccer, maybe at Currently a junior, Carter just Macomb, and I would like to came off a tremendous season play professionally,” said where the team went deep into Carter. the district playoffs. The FHS soccer team had a Carter started playing soccer great season where they beat in the summer of 2002. Carter Cousino High School in the disbecame a very good goalie and tricts opener, when they were the thing he enjoys most about considered underdogs. They the goalie position is the pres- later went on to play Chippewa sure of saving all the shots. Ob- Valley High School in the secviously, Carter doesn’t buckle ond round where they played a under tough presgame sure bebut lost cause 4-2. h e Carter earned says several he is shutouts satisthis seafied son. h o w “As a t h e goalie season there is turned always out, room a n d for imj u s t provewishes All-Star goalie Brandon Carter makes a ment,” it had terrific save. said lasted Carter. longer. Brandon mentioned that he Carter was named to the All – loves to play against Dakota Districts Team and also the DeHigh School. The team’s record fensive MVP award for the against Dakota is 2-2 with two team. As far as Carter’s plans shutouts from Carter. for next season, he wishes to Carter was a kicker on the break the school’s shutout FHS varsity football team and record and win the league he also enjoys watching championship. Hard times o n the gridiron for Fraser football Flash Sports Reporter A season full of heartbreaks for the Varsity football team wrapped up with a loss to Grosse Pointe South. The final record of 0-9 was a disappointment. “We didn’t meet my expectations but I was impressed with the players because they never quit and kept working hard all season,” said varsity coach Joe Kazanowski. Next year will be a tough test since most of the starters this season were seniors. The new players will have to step up to fill their roles. “There will be a lot of inexperienced players next year that will need teaching but with the addition of the sophomores that are moving up to varsity we have a good chance of improving our record,” said coach Kazanowski. The players are ready to learn and train hard to improve their record next year. “ I am going to work hard this off season by working out three times a week and running every day so that when next season comes around I will be ready to give it my all,” said varsity wide receiver Willie Kalousdian ’07. Varsity quaterback Joe Gauthier calles the play as he takes a snap from center. “My first goal for next season is to utilize the talent we have on the team. Second is to create a winning attitude by hard work in the off session,” said coach Kazanowski. “Finally I hope to have fun,” With the disappointing seasons the junior class has had over the last five years they have to ask their selves what makes the players keep coming back each year. “I have been playing football for eight years and I love the game to much too just stop playing,” said Kalousdian. With a tough season behind them, there are many things that need improvement before the next season of Fraser varsity football begins. “ I think we will at least make it to the playoffs and possibly go farther,” said Kalousdian. sessomething to look forward to. Be sure to get out and watch the team as they try to turn things around and get back to their winning ways.