FHA Show Daily Day 1 — April 24, 2018 -2 | Page 16

16 FHA2018 SHOWDAILY 2 4 A p ri l 2 0 1 8 Halls abuzz with pre-Opening activities Right: It was a busy, bustling and hectic day of knocking, painting, installing and testing systems and equipment. Amidst the noise and preparation yesterday for the Official Opening of FHA2018 this morning were Lynn Li, the calm and cool general manager pushing the two Casa Rinaldi gentlemen to work so hard that they were simply exhausted. But a whiff of its own Casa Rinaldi Perlanera balsamic pearls will revive them to welcome visitors to their booth 8M2-01 showcasing its range of fine Italian products, from pasta to the must-try pearls. Left: Taking it easy and relaxing with a cold German beer yesterday was Andre R Huber of Huber’s, purveyor of prime meats and sausages. With 36 chairs and tables at his booth 9B2-01, he will be a very busy man today welcoming trade visitors and renewing contact with his suppliers and loyal clients. Over at the Advantech booth 4H2-07 and getting ready to demonstrate the company’s Intelligent eMenu Board yesterday was Joel Ong, who believes in the Internet of Things. His eMenu Board can be controlled from a central location and with a click change the e-Menu offerings and/or prices or add special offers of the day to a whole chain of restaurants and eateries. Advantech is also highlighting how food and retail businesses can leverage IT solutions to turn big data into actionable insights.