Colin Cloud
Colin -who is from Harthill,
Scotland - the village, not the
services, was 6 when he had the
itch to learn more about reading
into people’s mind and working
out their next move. At that wee
age he found a book with a
picture of a guy with a hat and
By age 8, he learned that man
was Sherlock Holmes. At age
10 he found out Sherlock wasn’t
real. Then at age 15 he decided
to bring him to life, by attending
University of Glasgow to learn
Forensic Science and become
an extraordinary forensic mind
More a skill and sometimes a
habit, the ability to read people
came from learning to observe
people’s movements, patterns,
and scrutinising everything
one does to predict their
next move through science.
Colin became the ultimate People Watcher.
“Colin, can you switch off this
“In the beginning I couldn’t”
From there he hit the stage. After
years of studying and building
more confidence by combining
stand up in his amazing skills.
This summer he appeared
at Edinburgh Fringe with his
So how does this affect his love
show called Colin Cloud:Kills,
life? From a girl’s point of view,
which received numerous of
how lovely would it be to have a 5*s, including a set from FF
guy who could “ACTUALLY” know MagScotland online.
what you are thinking and be
three steps ahead - Every girl’s
He is on tour in the UK ,Europe
dream, right? But the flip side and Las Vegas until Mid October.
Could you get away with a white When he returns to the UK he will
lie with Colin?
spend the time working as part
of The Illusionists at Shaftesbury
But don’t worry ladies, he can
Theatre in London until Jan 2016.
turn it off now.
Colin’s skills are truly amazing His fascination with science and take advantage of his worldwide
hypnosis got him to appear on
tour and go online to find out
Penn and Teller: Fools us, then
where he is performing and
was asked to appear on British
experience his mind blowing
Got Talent back in 2011.
More details