Fever Magazine Fever Magazine Sprint 2019 | Page 8

EDITOR’S LETTER Magazines in the Golden Age of Social Media It’s official, the world has become gadget happy. While this isn’t exactly breaking news, the state of news delivery is continu- ally changing, and the prospect of getting your news first on a mobile device has become plausible for most people. Even for those who swear by paper. “WE CAN USE DIGITAL BOOK TRENDS TO SEE WHERE DIGITAL MAGAZINE AVAILABILITY MIGHT BE GOING” Obviously, we’ve seen the decline of newspapers and maga- zines in favor of online news sources. Then e-readers came out and eventually evolved to share properties with paper that greatly reduced or eliminated the computer glare factor. Then came the iPad and the various other “me too” tablets along with color and multimedia versions of the e-readers. While there are some hold outs for paper, they are a dying breed. News, and particularly enter- tainment is becoming far too interactive to keep still on paper, even if it does have a glossy cover like the magazines do. Its clear, as more and more people carry around tablets and cell phones, the stronger digital subscriptions will get. Perhaps you still love getting your paper magazines in the mail, or you don’t have a tablet, but digital formats are here to stay. If the eBook market has taught us anything, it’s to never say never. That’s where Fever Magazine comes in, no matter what the format is we want to be everywhere all the time. Darrell Green Founder & Editor-in-Chief 8 F E V E R M A G A Z I N E