Fever Magazine Fever Magazine Sprint 2019 | Page 12

L I F E S T Y L E Unwritten Rules of Tinder the story The online CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD INTERVIEW THANKS TO THE ADVENT OF TINDER, PEOPLE CAN SIFT THROUGH PROSPECTIVE MATES LIKE THEY WOULD MEATS AT A SUPERMARKET. WITH COURTNEY BLACKMON AND CEDRIC SKILLOM 01 Remember, you can Photoshop just about anything these days to make it look con- vincing, so a savvy lady with some design program knowledge can enhance or clean herself up for her pictures. Be hypercritical of any photo you see that has a filter. CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD RELEASES HIS SECOND BOOK SHOOK ONE: ANXI- 02 ETY PLAYING TRICKS ON ME. While pictures dominate Tinder, some real insight into what the woman is like can be gleaned from the description. If there is a lot of text, it means there are certain insecurities Charlamagne Tha God, Exclusive Interview there and that she may not be totally sure of Charlamagne has talked about his childhood being herself. a motivating factor for the title of his new book with the fears he went through like being rejected by girls, and getting caught up in crime like his friends 03 and family members have. The five pictures she posts should be of a number of things, not just her mugging for the camera. Pictures of her with friends, fam- ily or pets are usually red flags, as are pro- files with less than five pictures—though this may leave a certain lingering mystery. 1 2 F E V E R M A G A Z I N E Scan the QR code below to read the full interview