Fete Lifestyle Magazine September 2024 - Fall Fashion Issue | Page 33

Has there been a particular moment in your life that has deeply shaped your approach to fashion or influenced a specific collection?

In 2015 I won a grant from the city of Chicago through DCAse- department of cultural events of Chicago. With that money, I designed one of my most important collections called “to primp a Butterfly”. It was very influenced by Kendrick Lamar and his music from “to pimp a butterfly” and it was the first time I ever designed my own fabric, which was butterflies in

nature against black-and-white Urban environment. It was when racial tensions were particularly bad throughout the world, and it was to exemplify harmony as in nature against racism and the city. Not only was it politically important for me, but it was one of my most beautiful and best-selling collections to date.

What role has your personal resilience played in building a long-lasting career in the ever-changing fashion industry?

The only thing constant in fashion is change so one must be able to change on a dime, whether it be to personal difficulties in one’s life or trends or just boredom of what one has been doing with their collection. I always try to have a common thread, such as nature in each collection, but I also try to have it be recognizable as something classic with a twist. Ralph Lauren worn by Lady Gaga? Yup

You’ve mentioned that Chicago has a unique, fearless fashion style. Can you elaborate on what makes it distinct compared to other fashion hubs?

Chicago is Chicago. As far as dress and fashion go we are not trying to be New York City. We are not trying to be Paris. We live in the Midwest where it gets cold where we have snow and it also can be 100° so the women that I dress are very versatile and hard-working and beautiful and they want that reflected in their clothing, as well as having their clothes fit. Women in Chicago are not afraid to show their true style and be individuals. Chicago often gets a bad rap by the media, but we all know who lives here and work here every day. We are a colorful, beautiful crew and women reflect that!

You’ve been a mentor to many young designers. How does your personal experience of building a career influence the way you guide others in the fashion industry?

I always believe a young designer should go out and explore the world. Go to France go to Italy go anywhere they love and study under an important designer if they can and then please come to