Josh Lifrak and Travis Thomas
As someone who has spent years in the corporate world Harry noticed problems with balance between training and mental fitness. “It often happens that you give people everything to build their skill set or their sales ability but nothing on mental fitness besides maybe a yearly motivational talk from your favorite author, who rides
off into the sunset at the end of
the day,” he noted.
There is $200 billion dollars spent on corporate training each year to help improve employee skill sets. Why wouldn’t they incorporate mental fitness training to help improve the corporate athlete’s ability to overcome mental adversity and succeed in every element of their job. The decision to weave mental fitness into the regular training agenda of any corporation seems easy when you consider the financial burden a non-resilient team can have on a company. In fact, that deficiency can be paralyzing and result in the company losing around $250,000 per year due to lost productivity, back filling jobs, and re-training new employees. Limitless Minds was developed to save organizations from these mistakes that could potentially result in major financial losses.
The founders of Limitless Minds have expansive backgrounds and an abundance of experience that have propelled them into this arena. From salesmen to professional athlete, they know what it means to be under pressure in every setting. As Harry Wilson pointed out, in both sports and business there is always a scoreboard, while in business you may not be able to see it, the effects are just as prominent. Just as an athlete would perform on a football field, the corporate athlete must remain in control of both the game and their own mind, which can be harder than we think.
The fourth co-founder of Limitless Minds, who was named the World's Best Brain Trainer by Sports Illustrated in 2017, Trevor Moawad, saw the effects of the corporate scoreboard perhaps before anyone else. Moawad,
who unfortunately passed away from cancer in 2021, focused on “neutral thinking”, discovering that learning to filter thoughts and speak to yourself in a more neutral manner can greatly alter an athlete's success. In fact, co-founder and professional athlete Russell Wilson owes much of his success to the mental fitness techniques that Moawad helped him master very early in his career. The duo met in 2012 while Russell was training at IMG academy. This meeting would help set Russell Wilson apart from other athletes as he began to master his mental fitness, which in 2010 was still a taboo subject matter.
While mental fitness has certainly become a more mainstream topic in recent years, it still hasn't made its mark in Corporate America. Limitless Minds might be here to change that. While the company does focus on the bigger picture of ensuring organizations are running smoothly, it all revolves around those individuals that can often be lost in the chaos of a big company. The Limitless Minds team believe that everyone should have access to mental fitness training, this includes the high performers, low performers and the often-forgotten mediocre performers of a company. Their wide-ranging exercises and habits target an array of people and issues, much like an athlete's training. Each user can alter their training plan to suit their own specific needs.
This personal approach to mental training manifests the whole idea behind Limitless Minds, that you shouldn't need to be a professional athlete or make $40 million a year to afford mental training. Limitless Minds wants to make practicing mental fitness an everyday occurrence comparing this practice to brushing teeth, Harry Wilson believes spending two minutes daily exercising mental fitness can and should be easily incorporated into everyday life. While this idea seems like a no brainer, the problem of accessibility is still an issue for the public. Yet with Limitless Minds one can access this level of coaching at their fingertips.
Limitless Minds has mastered bringing mental fitness to the forefront in both business and athletics, perhaps suggesting that it’s just not a trend but a market that will and needs to be addressed across all fronts. For more information about the work Limitless Minds is doing visit